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Pictured is a member of Trinity Presbyterian Church greeting a member of the choir of Trinity Presbyterian Church.

Sundays at Trinity Presbyterian Church

Sunday School for all Ages   9:30 to 10:30 am

Coffee Fellowship   10:30 to 11:00am

Worship Service   11:00 to noon

Nursery is available for all times.


Adult Sunday School

Every Sunday the children go to their Sunday School classes, and the adults gather for at least one Sunday School class. Some weeks there are too many to choose from!

Some of the most recent classes have been

Sermon on the Mount: A Beginner’s Guide to the Kingdom of Heaven
Blessed are the Peacemakers: Practicing Nonviolence in a Violent Culture,

Rooted Faith: Practices for Living Well on a Fragile Planet
Israel Palestine
From Judgment to Hope: A Study on the Prophets


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Stream Our Worship Service

Trinity Presbyterian Church livestreams its worship service on Sunday mornings at 11:00am through YouTube. Click below to visit our channel, which also hosts services from weeks past!

Visual Arts At Trinity

Trinity Presbyterian Church has a long history of including works of art in  Worship and  Ministry, from the beautiful stained glass windows designed by Toni LaSelle for the sanctuary, to the many collaborations of members – some an important expression through the pandemic. Also, art is frequently hung on the back wall of the sanctuary, designed for that purpose: floral works by June Impson, photography by Shannon Davis, fiber art by Ellen Frenkel, hand made quilts and a collection of Nativity scenes from around the world, collected by members.



Trinity Presbyterian Church offers two separate prayer groups settings for those interested in joining the devotional life of this congregation.   Read more about the opportunity to fellowship and grow in our Contemplative Prayer Group or our Fixed Hour Prayer Group.

Contemplative Prayer

Contemplative Prayer is a less familiar form of prayer to many, yet has deep Christian roots.  Its primary focus is on being present with God, often without words.   Trinity has many various contemplative prayer groups over the years that introduce various forms of contemplative prayer to Trinity folk (including Breath Prayer, Lectio Divina, Walking the Labyrinth, the Examen, and more).  Spiritual Direction Groups have also been offered at various times, inviting committed participants to listen contemplatively for the often subtle whisperings of the divine in their lives.

One form of contemplative prayer currently being offered regularly is Centering Prayer.   Centering Prayer is form of silent prayer in which one releases thoughts, feelings, and memories to make oneself present to God.  The group meets over Zoom every Thursday morning from 8:30 a.m to 9:15 a.m. and participants are encouraged to pray this same prayer on their own.  20 minutes of each meeting is spent together in silent Centering Prayer, then the remaining time is spent discussing the practice, one’s experience of it, and a book the group members read independently.  All are welcome to join!

Fixed Hour Prayer

Known variously by different terms (the divine office, the liturgy of the hours, fixed hour prayer), there has been a long and deep tradition within Christianity of praying at regular times throughout the day using a prayer book.   Such a practice helps to establish a rhythm of prayer in the life of Christians, and does so in a way that immerses them in the tradition and language of the church.  Many of these prayer books use the psalms (sometimes called “the prayer book of the Bible”) as a regular source.   

Trinity encourages this practice among its members.   A small group meets weekly over Zoom on Friday mornings to pray together using a prayer book chosen together.   We typically spend about 10 minutes reading the prayers together, then reflect on the prayer and share other prayer concerns.    We conclude within 30 minutes.  During the rest of the week, we encourage each other to pray on our own using the chosen prayer book.   All are welcome!  If you are interested in participating, please contact Pastor Craig.