Home 9 Earth Care Congregation

Earth Care Team

Trinity is recognized by our denomination as an Earth Care congregation. Being an Earth Care congregation means that all aspects of our church act as stewards of God’s creation. Our building and grounds, our Christian Education, our meals and fellowship, our outreach to the community and our worship all reflect that commitment. In order to keep our commitment, an Earth Care team consisting of about 10 members who have a variety of interests in our church meet to plan activities and projects that address our stewardship. Members who work with our building and grounds install LED lighting and energy efficient heating and air conditioning and irrigation systems that monitor energy and water use. They also work to avoid using harmful fertilizers and pesticides on our church grounds Christian Education plans Sunday school classes for adults and children that focus on the environment. Our dishes for pot luck dinners are reusable rather than disposable. Members of our team lead in the creation of an organic community garden several years ago. This spring we built a pollinator garden containing native plants that will provide habitat to the butterflies, bees, and other pollinators in our church yard.

Although the team provides ideas and planning, the entire church is involved in the implementing Trinity’s commitment to Earth Care.


Community Organic Garden

The Community Organic Garden is up and running. Potatoes, peas, onions, garlic and herbs have been planted. Beds have been dug and prepared for more vegetables. Every Saturday morning gardeners are gathering for fellowship and hard work. Our next project is to build more compost bins. We hope to turn kitchen scraps and coffee grounds into compost to help our plants grow. An herb garden is ready for seeds and water. Talk to Bob Hanson to find out how you can become involved in this new mission to Denton.

Earth Care Congregation Trinity is in our second year as a “Earth Care Congregation” as certified by the Presbyterian Church (USA.) Click here for more information.