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We are grateful for the curiosity that had led you to learn more about us.

The best way to learn more about Trinity is by joining us for fellowship and worship.

At Trinity you will find a group of people striving together to be kind, faithful, and just.. Our members come from many states and countries, from many church and unchurched backgrounds, from Denton and from other nearby communities. Our oldest members have been here since the founding of the church 65 years ago; our newest members joined earlier this year.

We are known to many in the community as a “social justice” congregation, which reflects our conviction that God’s intention for creation involves the redemption not just of individuals, but of communities and all of creation. Our faith is therefore not private, but rather strives to be deeply engaged with the issues of our day. In the sermons and classes at Trinity, you will hear attempts to hold “the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other,” in the words of theologian Karl Barth.

We are proud of our historical role in helping Denton desegregate in the 60s, in fostering and housing in our past the Denton Community Preschool and Denton Habitat for Humanity, in creating and housing Opening Doors International Services to serve the immigrant community, in welcoming women and members of the LGBTQ community into roles of leadership for decades, in modeling relationships with other churches and with the local Muslim community, in standing in solidarity with the Palestinian community, in engaging in discussions about race with friends at St. James AME church, and more.

We particularly welcome those who have been burned by some form of the church in the past. Some have said in gratitude, “I didn’t know that churches like Trinity existed.” Come and see what they are talking about!


Trinity Presbyterian Church was organized in 1960, when it was determined that there was a need for a Presbyterian church in the northeast section of Denton. Most of the fifty-eight charter members came from St. Andrew, volunteering to colonize the new church: Trinity Presbyterian Church.

The first worship service was held at Jack Schmitz Chapel, and church school classes were held across the street in the Eleanor Green Dance Studio, but later moved to a “coffee house” with a bizarre decor that required many hours of renovation and redecoration.

In September of 1961 the congregation moved into the first part of the current building (the former fellowship hall and educational wing) which was designed by architect-member Roland Laney at the present site – 2200 Bell Avenue.

In 1979 the congregation determined that it needed to update its facilities and began a building fund drive. Ground was broken for the present sanctuary on August 5, 1979; the congregation dedicated the new sanctuary on April 20, 1980. In 2000 a new fellowship hall with handicapped-accessible restrooms and kitchen were added as well as renovation of offices and classroom spaces. The church celebrated its 40th anniversary in July, 2000, filling the new hall with current and former members, family, and friends. Trinity has had pastoral leadership from the following ministers: Paul Young (1960-1966), Kenneth Wright (1966-1970), John Pierce (1971-1976), William Spearman (1977-1982), Val Fowler (1983-1990), Jim Lappen (Interim Supply, 1990-1991), Kent Miller (1992-2005), and Dr. E. Corinna Nation Interim, 2005-2007. Our current pastor is Craig Hunter.

Art and music have always been an important part of the ministry of this church, drawing from and nourished by the talent of both TWU and UNT and beyond.

But more than anything else Trinity has established a tradition of putting the word of God into action. The congregation has been instrumental in establishing, nurturing and in several cases providing space and financial support to many organizations and groups in Denton, and beyond.

Denton Christian Preschool was founded in 1970 by individuals from 17 churches in Denton, who believed that the first few years of a child’s life are the most crucial developmentally. It has become a United Way agency, teaching, feeding and loving nearly three thousand three and four-year-olds, considered to be at-risk of succeeding in public school without this intervention.

Opening Doors International Services (O.D.I.S.) was founded by Trinity in 2003 and continues to support this nonprofit agency, (recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice) whose mission is to assist immigrants through the immigration process because we believe God welcomes the stranger and calls upon us to do the same.

          Stepping Stones, developed in 2006, is a ministry supporting those suffering from dementia and their caregivers, because we believe the worth of no life is diminished by disease, and because we participate in divine communion whenever and wherever love is shared. It is an all-volunteer, occupation-based program for which Trinity provides space, and a few volunteers.

We also work to build relationships outside of our church walls:

Our relationship with St. James AME Church, began in 2014 with a meal and the watching a film together about desegregation in Denton, and has grown to encompass study groups, combined worship services several times a year, in both locations, and many meals together. We believe we cannot fully be reconciled to God if we are not reconciled to each other, and because racism denies God’s love for all people.
The relationship between Trinity and St. James AME is in many ways reminiscent of the involvement of many women from both congregations in the Denton Women’s Interracial Fellowship from decades earlier. We see these relationships, past and present, as an imperfect but real parable of God’s realm.

Trinity fosters a historic friendship with the Islamic Society of Denton, because we believe God’s love is not limited to Christians or to any other group of people, and because loving our neighbors calls us to know them.

Trinity is a partner with other faith groups in observing the Interfaith National Day of Prayer with Worship services, discussions and meals together since 2018.
You will notice many other ways that Trinity seeks learning, connecting and understanding on the Mission pages of this website.

Trinity Presbyterian Church

is a part of the

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Logo


Trinity’s purpose is fourfold:
to communicate the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ to all people;
to provide worship, nurture, and fellowship for all’
to promote social justice and demonstrate life in the Kingdom of God;
to honor Christ in all dimensions of our lives and worship.

To this end, Trinity is organized (like most Presbyterian churches) into governing bodies who serve:
Trinity’s Session (governing board) consists of 9 ordained and installed elders plus the moderator/pastor. All members of the church are considered for nomination to service on the Session, regardless of race, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc.
The nine elders currently serving on the Session are comprised of 3 classes of three people each, each serving a term of three years, and each is assigned to one of the six committees.

Class of 2024

Phoebe Collins

Kathy Foster

Kerol Harrod

Class of 2025

Ed Beaulieu

Neal Brand

Kim Moor

Class of 2026

Kevin Campbell

Sher Harnish

Suzanne Sweeney

Membership Committee works to welcome visitors and new members into the congregation, and does a lot of coordinating of potlucks, events and everything involving the kitchen.

Christian Education Committee plans and organizes opportunities to learn about God’s word for both adults and children, on Sunday mornings before Worship. For adults we offer classes dealing with Bible Study, theology, current social issues, spirituality and Christian life, and church history. Most classes are for six to eight weeks with a variety of teachers. Children’s classes follow the PCUSA curricula. In addition, we support and participate in programs such as Vacation Bible School, Gilmont Camp and Conference Center, and other special events.

Worship Committee is involved in anything and everything that takes place in the sanctuary during Worship, from scheduling Liturgists, Greeters and Ushers, to preparing for Communion, and other special seasons and services, like Christmas and Easter.
Trinity is blessed to have a large collection of banners, made by a variety of members. The changing of banners and paraments to reflect the liturgical calendar is one of our responsibilities.
The Music Director and the Pastor both sit on this committee; coordination is one of the primary things that we do, to contribute to meaningful and often innovative Worship.

Stewardship Committee takes care of our building and grounds in a hundred different ways that you might not notice unless they are not working. We are a hard-working group, using our expertise in building systems, mostly behind the scenes.

Personnel Committee is committed to providing the church with dedicated staff and supporting the staff in their efforts to serve God through the church. In particular, the committee’s responsibilities include: hiring staff as needed, evaluating staff performance, recommending to session annual staff raises, recommending those policies to the Session that are related to hiring and staff, hearing and dealing with staff-related complaints, conflicts and concerns.

Mission Committee provides guidance regarding use of Trinity Presbyterian Church’s time, talent, and treasure in supporting community – local, regional, national, and international – by describing the way Trinity puts the Word of God into Action during our worship service, writing articles for the Trinity Greetings, organizing and promoting Mission activities, recommending which organizations and activities Trinity financially supports, and promoting PCUSA Special Offerings and other Mission events.
Please see our MISSION page on this website for much more information about all our activities!