mission events

Our Daily Bread is seeking donations for our daily hygiene distribution to clients. Below is a list of items identified by our volunteers. You can drop off items Monday-Friday from 9:30am-1:00pm. Or bring them to Trinity for the Our Daily Bread collection area in the Narthex and they will be delivered to Our Daily Bread at St. Andrew.

  • Shaving Cream
  • Prilosec/Heartburn medication
  • Aspirin
  • Baby Powder
  • Toilet Paper
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Q-Tips
  • Ibuprofen
  • Men’s/Women’s Socks-preferably white
  • Men’s/Women’s Deodorant
  • Rain Ponchos
  • Mouthwash
  • Razors (safety)
  • Insect Repellant
  • Cough Drops

If you do have any questions, click HERE to email. 

Mission Possibilities for the Congregation Are you looking for ways to support Trinity’s Mission projects actively? Here are nine suggestions from the Committee:

  1) Help hook up Trinity’s rain barrels.

  2) Offer to till the Community Garden for spring planting

  3) Donate non-meat scraps and coffee ground for composting

  4) Donate leaves and small branches for chipping and shredding

  5) Assist with chipping and shredding for garden use

  6) Assist with Zerascaping

  7) Dig up stickers in the play yard

  8) Serve on the Mission Committee

  9) Present a Word of God in Action (WOGIA) with Committee help .

Of course, we are thankful for your continued financial support also. You may already know the Mission Committee receives a generous 20% of the 2016 budget for our outreach.

Since several of the tasks above relate to the Community Garden, you may contact Coordinator Bob Hanson at 940-566-7959. If you are interested in joining the Mission Committee, contact Dan Duhon, Chair, at 940-231-2813

Mission Committee Hygiene Kits  

Thanks to everyone who helped assemble the Gift of the Heart Hygiene Kits. Even those who came when we had finished! Your help was appreciated. These will be delivered to the Ferncliff Disaster Assistance Center near Little Rock for use by the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Program.This was so successful we may do it again soon.

A Season of Peace

Many of the special offerings of the Presbyterian Church (USA) coincide with "seasons" of the church. In last week's bulletin and insert there was much information about the next special offering which Trinity will receive on World Communion Sunday, October 5. Here are some questions to test your knowledge. (the answers are at the end) 

1. The Peace and Global Witness Offering was changed this summer from the ____________ Offering. Extra credit: name the other three offerings and their "season." 

2. _____% of this offering is retained by local congregations and the same amount is kept by mid council levels (Presbyteries/Synods) for peacemaking projects. 

3. _____% is used to support PC(USA)'s Peacemaking Program and has benefited Trinity (both members and non-members) in several ways - at least five ways. Name two. Jesus calls us to be Peacemakers so I hope you have signed up to receive the Path of Peace messages and see if his way might become your way of being authentically Christian in the world. 


     1. Peacemaking Other special offerings are Christmas Joy (Advent), One Great Hour of Sharing (Lent), and Pentecost (Pentecost) 

     2. 25% 

     3. 50% 

Ways last year's funds were used benefiting Trinity: 

Developing resources for A Season of Peace; work supporting the documentary

Trigger: The Ripple Effect of Gun Violence, Providing leadership and support to the Peace Discernment Steering Team which Pastor Craig is a part, travel-study seminars to Northern Ireland, and plan, promote, and lead Mosaic of Peace Conference in Israel/Palestine. (the last two Suzanne Sweeney participated.) 

Look for the new picnic table and benches by Trinity's Organic Community Garden...... 

Part of the plans approved by the Mission Committee several months ago, was to obtain a picnic table and a couple of benches to be placed north of the organic community garden area. These can be used by folks in our church and community to be a place of quiet solitude, meditation, and a spot to have lunch or supper outdoors. They can be used by church school classes and vacation bible school. Most of us need to nurture our spiritual being, as well as taking time to be quiet and reflective. The picnic table and benches are intended to help enable this to happen. 

Reaching Out in Mission

'Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?' And the king will answer them, 'Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.' Matthew 25:37-40 (NRSV) 

World Mission

Since its founding, Trinity has given money generously to Mission activities. We provide general support to the denomination’s work in World Ministry; we support Presbyterian Border Region Outreach - both with funding and a Spring Break trip to Proyecto Amistad in Laredo, Texas/Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas a few years ago; and we had a relationship with an Ethiopian church supplying funds, books, and supporting a seminary student. This year we will contribute direct support to a PC(USA) mission worker abroad. The Mission Committee has endorsed Sharon Curry Presbyterian Church (USA) Mission Co-Worker in the Republic of South Sudan. There are several reasons the Mission Committee selected her: she is from Grace Presbytery, she is a new Mission Co-Worker, and she worked from 2011 through 2014 in a recently formed country with some of the worst health indicators in the world

You can read more about Sharon Curry on the PC (USA) web site.

Community Organic Garden

The Community Organic Garden is up and running. Potatoes, peas, onions, garlic and herbs have been planted. Beds have been dug and prepared for more vegetables. Every Saturday morning gardeners are gathering for fellowship and hard work. Our next project is to build more compost bins. We hope to turn kitchen scraps and coffee grounds into compost to help our plants grow. An herb garden is ready for seeds and water. Talk to Bob Hanson to find out how you can become involved in this new mission to Denton. 

Earth Care Congregation Trinity is in our second year as a “Earth Care Congregation” as certified by the Presbyterian Church (USA.) Click here for more information. 

Trinity has developed a calendar of ideas to become aware of your carbon use. To calculate your personal Carbon Footprint, click here. This site is offering a calendar.