Coming Events!

The Adult Sunday School continues the series
Paula Flowerday leads the class through a study of the book of Revelation, through the month of February.  

The Wednesday Night Adult Bible Study continues, at 6 pm each Wednesday; Join the children for a brown bag supper at 5:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall, then proceed to the Bible Study while the children have their own program. 

Coming up:

Planning on the spring gardens at Trinity – the organic vegetable garden, the beautiful gardens around the building, and the newest member of the garden family – a pollinator garden. Call the office (940-382-8815) for details and contact info. All levels of ability, wisdom and strenuousness are welcome!

With Spring comes Lent, and a new class, devotions and studies. Join us!

The next Book Discussion, brought by the Trinity Pride Task Force, will be on Wed., April 16, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Book title to be decided.



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Trinity Presbyterian Church livestreams its worship service on Sunday mornings at 11:00am through YouTube. Click below to visit our channel, which also hosts services from weeks past!

Scenes of our Life Together

Life at Trinity